This study is regarding the awareness and usage of social media applications on
information sources among the selected undergraduate engineering college students in
Tirunelveli district. The investigator has randomly selected 150 final year undergraduate
engineering students from the engineering colleges. 150 duly filled-in responses were
analysed. The findings of the study revealed that, 72.7% (109) of the final year
undergraduate engineering students were found at moderate level in awareness and
usage of social media applications on information sources, followed by 74.3 % (55) of the
female final year undergraduate engineering students, 74.1 % (20) of the Muslim final
year undergraduate engineering students, and 82.4 % (14) of the hostel final year
undergraduate engineering students were found at the moderate level among the
awareness and usage of social media applications on information sources at a moderate
level. There is no significant difference between (i) male and female (ii) rural and urban
(iii) day scholar and hosteller iv) Hindu, Muslim, and Christian v) Computer Science
Engineering/ Information Technology subject final year undergraduate engineering
students and other subjects final year undergraduate engineering students among
awareness and usage of social media applications on information sources.