Explanatory power of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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dc.contributor.author Delima, Shelomeya
dc.contributor.author Ragel, V. R.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-01-29T05:24:49Z
dc.date.available 2025-01-29T05:24:49Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.uri http://www.digital.lib.esn.ac.lk//handle/1234/16139
dc.description.abstract The role of human is vital for the endurance of any association. If that organization is belonging to the service sector, then employees hold a huge share in the achievement of the organization. The service industry is depending on humans more than manufacturing or any other industry does. It is becoming important to keep their internal customers happy to achieve successful clients outside the organization. Banks are belonging to the service industry and providing immense service to the public. This study mainly focuses on banks of Batticaloa district to explore the explanatory power of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational citizenship behavior is a person's voluntary commitment within an organization apart from particular employee’s prescribed tasks. Employee who satisfied and committed can come up with positive behaviors within organization. This study aims in the Sri Lankan context to fill research gap and empirically investigate the explanatory power among variables. Primary data collected through structured and closed ended questionnaires. The study population consists of bank employees in Manmunai North Divisional Secretariat of Batticaloa district. Structured questionnaire issued to selected samples and 83% of questionnaires were received back from respondents. Likert’s Five Points Rating Scale is used to require respondents to order their answers. SPSS (19.0) Package used for analyzes the findings. Relationship among variables analyzed through Correlation Analysis and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was employed to identify the explanatory power. Research findings concluded that Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior are having strong, positive and significant relationship. As well 52.4% of variability in Organizational citizenship behavior is jointly explained by Job satisfaction and Organizational commitment. The study results validate that, by improving satisfaction and commitment, banks can enhance and achieve employees’ citizenship behavior. This Organizational Citizenship Behavior will shield banks from losing their employees to rivals. And also, the findings can fill the literature gap in explanatory power of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in organizational citizenship behavior in Sri Lanka, where it has not been widely investigated in the Sri Lankan context en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Faculty of Commerce and Management Eastern University,Sri Lanka en_US
dc.subject Job satisfaction en_US
dc.subject Organizational commitment en_US
dc.subject Organizational Citizenship Behavior en_US
dc.title Explanatory power of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Organizational Citizenship Behavior en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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