dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this research study is to explore and figure out the associations among
the perceived investment in employee development. psychological climate (Climate for
Autonomy and Climate66666 lor Innovation). supervisor's behaviors (Promotlng
Collaboration and lntellectuai Stimulation and ernployee) and entrepreneLrrial attitudes
of employees in selected:;tate cu'ned enterprises in Matara district. This research stud;'
relies on a data set derived its survey of I 78 employees who are currentlv employed in
selected state banks in Matara district.
The findings of this research stu,ly' show that perceived investment in employee
development had a moderate ievei and emplolee entrepreneurial attitudes, climate for
autonomy, climate for innovation. promoting collaboration and intellectual stimulation
had a high level. There vr.as a rnoderate positive relationship between perceived
investment in employee development ancj emplol,'ee entrepreneurial attitudes. between
climate for autonomy and emplcl,'ee cntrepreneurial attitudes, between climate for
innovation and employee entrepreneLlrial attitudes, and also a strong positive
relationship between perceived investment in employee,development and climate ibr
autonomy, between perceived investment in ernplolee development and climate tbr
innovation, between perceived investnrent in employee development and promoting
collaboration. between perceived investment .,r emplo,v-ee development and intellectual
stimulation. between promoting collaboration and climate for autonomy and between
intellectual stimulation and climate fbr innovation in selected bank employees in Matara
district. The study showed that psvchological climate (Climate for Autonomy and
Climate for Innovation) plays a partial mediating role in the connection between
perceived investment in employ'ee development and employee entrepreneurial attitudes.
Finally, the rnoderation analysis result indicated that there is no significant moderate
impact of supervisor's behaviors (Promoting Collaboration and lntellectual Stimulation)
on the relationship between perceived investment in employee development and
psychological cl imate. |
en_US |