The social entrepreneurship is one of the earning partrpf revenue in Sri Lanka's
economy growth. The social entrepreneurship reduced poverty of rural women also
fulfill the basic needs and provide employment to increase Sri Lankan economic. The
goal of this study was to look at the factors affecting social entrepreneurship
development among rural women in Mannar. This study used publications, historical
records, media stories, the state of social enterprises in Sri Lanka, official d,ata, and.
internet resources. Secondary research was used, and secondary d.ata was gathered
through a literature review. A research based on this study, negative antecedents affect
the development of rural women social entrepreneurship. Positive antecedents provide
support to the development of rural women social entrepreneurship. And also identified
characteristic of rural women social entrepreneurs, it is help to sustainability of the
social entrepreneurship among rural women in Mannar. Finally recommend suitable
suggestions tcl overcome the barriers of social entrepreneurship development among
rural women in Mannar. To find out the barriers to the development of rural women,s
social entreprengurship. The survey was caried out among 15 rural women social
entrepreneurship in Mannar, who were interviewed using a semi-structured interview
method. It is an inductive study where the qualitative approach was undertaken, to
select five (05) rural areas in Mannar. These five areas are dependent on the handicraft
industry. Collected data were analyzed using NVivo 10 through thematic analysis.
According to the findings, Social entrepreneurship is emerging as an innovative
approach for dealing with complex social and environmental needs, and is an important
lever for the development of a sustainable society. Social entrepreneurial ability &
talent are need to be motivated properly. To reduce poverty among rural women need
to provide motivation to rural women's social entrepreneurship in Mannar. Finally, the
researcher recommended some strategies and mechanisms for the policymakers to
overcome the barriers of rural women social entrepreneurship.