A study was carried out to identity vegetable farmers' vegetable production and entrepreneurial
ability in the Badulla district. . By following a random sampling procedure. 40 vegetable farmers
were selected. and a structured interview schedule was used to collect the information through
personal interview. The collected data were analyzed by using the SPSS package. The frequencies,
percentages and correlation coefficients were used to interpret the results.
The results revealed that the average age of vegetable farmers was 35-50 years old. 82.5% of
farmers were males. and 17.5% of farmers were female. The average educational level of the fanner
was up to the primary level. The average family size was five members, and the average family
income was Rs. 67067.00 per month. Most of the farmers had 12 years of farming experience in
vegetable cultivation. About 5% of farmers had used their seeds and plants, while 27.5% had
bought seeds from the village shop. Also, 42.5% of farmers had bought seeds from the Agrarian
Service Centre. Of all the vegetable farmers, 90% had bought their fertilizers. insecticides and
weedicides from fertilizer shops. and 10% had obtained fertilizers from the Department of
Agriculture. According to the results, the highest mean production (6400 kg/ac) was obtained from
potatoes. The market price for all vegetables was higher than the farmgate price. Around 23% of
farmers had sold their vegetables to wholesalers. while 62% sold their vegetable products to
middlemen. About 7% of the farmers sold vegetables to out traders. Few (3%) sold their products to
village traders and export companies/agencies. The majority (60%) of vegetable farmers had
contacts with AI to gain advice on pest and weed control. The biggest problem faced by the farmers
in the study area was the lack of fertilizers. Further. the majority (84%) of the vegetable farmers had
medium risk taking ability. 45 percent of the vegetable farmers (52.08%) had low decision-making
ability. Majority (80%) of the farmers had high level of knowledge regarding vegetable cultivation.
Majority (31.5%) of the vegetable farmers had a medium level of leadership ability. More than half
(50%) of the vegetable farmers had a high level of cosmopolitenes. Overall, the majority (44.8%) of
the vegetable farmers belonged to a medium level of entrepreneurial ability. The entrepreneurial
ability of the vegetable farmers in the study area is shaped by their educational level and monthly